
Cheryl Parks, Executive Director

What is your role and responsibilities?
My role is the Executive Director of Jobs Partnership Peoria. I oversee all of the jail, community and prison Jobs Partnership classes. Currently, I supervise a staff of over 176 volunteers, interact with county, state and federal prison officials, write grants and fundraise, liaison between employers and employees, implement new programs and manage the budget that supports the program. I also meet regularly with the State’s Attorney, the Chief of Police and the County Sheriff to work on both policy issues and implementation of present and future programs.

What is your background and qualifications?
I have a B.A. in Applied Social Science: Social Welfare, Focus in Special Education, Western Connecticut University, Danbury CT, May 1982. I am also certified in Moral Reconation Therapy since 2017

Who or what inspires to do the work you do in Jobs Partnership?
I feel Jobs Partnership is my calling. Working with individuals that are currently incarcerated has been a call on my life since I was 17. My Faith in Jesus and the scripture of Matthew 25:31-46 are my inspiration for working with Jobs Partnership

What is your vision or goals for the future of Jobs Partnership?
My vision and goals for the program are following God's lead. Anything that will aid the individuals and their families to become productive citizens in our community I will try to implement into the program.